Released January 16, 2019
Released August 8, 2017
Head to Head is a product of the Expand the Reach (ETR) program. Mental Health is an inder addressed and mis-understood issue in commuities across Canada. The team sport environment serves as a great opportunity for young people to be supported by their peers and coaches. ETRs objective is to raise mental health awarness and related skills for 1,000 coaches. Katie Yeo is a professional MPC and retiered competitive sailor. As host of the H2H, her desire is to provide coaches with the HOW. How can adult allies (coaches, parents, teachers) create a positive and supportive working environment for their athletes. Financial sipport is provided by the Ontario Trillium Fund (@ONTrillium) @Expandthereach
Released August 3, 2017
Head to Head is a product of the Expand the Reach (ETR) program. Mental Health is an under addressed and mis-understood issue in communities across Canada. The team sport environment serves as a great opportunity for young people to be supported by their peers and coaches. ETRs objective is to raise mental health awareness and related skills for 1,000 coaches. Katie Yeo is a professional MPC and competitive sailor. As host of the H2H, her desire is to provide coaches with the HOW. How can an adult allies (coaches, parents, teachers) create a positive and supportive working environment for their athletes. Episode #1 Contributors: Krista Van Slingerland (@KvanSlingerland) is co-founder of the Student Athlete Mental Health Initiative (@Mentally_Tough). She also has a lived history of mental illness as a varsity athlete (basketball. Currently Krista is a PHd. Candidate in at the University of Ottawa. Kyle Stewart is a Mental Performance Consultant specializing in assisting athletes and other performers in achieving personal excellence through a collaborative process. Financial support provided by the Ontario Trillium Fund (@ONTrillium)