Speaking With Parents

It’s much more than just the specific sport; it’s about reinforcing positive attitude and lessons for life.

Conduct Disorder Signs

  • Aggressive behaviour; e.g., bullying,
  • Threatening, physical fighting,
  • Cruelty to animals,
  • Stealing (may use a weapon)
  • Destruction of property; e.g., fire-setting, Breaking windows, throwing objects
  • Lack of empathy; e.g. callousness and absence of guilt feelings, blaming others for one’s own misbehaviour
  • Frequent disobeying of class rules
  • Use of drugs or alcohol at school
  • Early sexual activity
  • Open displays of hostility/ “toughness”
  • Academic problems with reading and verbal skills
  • Deceitfulness (e.g., lying, stealing, “conning”)


  • Actively teach what is appropriate and what is not with young children.
  • Specifically define what is considered unacceptable behaviour.
  • Have firm, clear rules and consistent natural consequences for unacceptable behaviours.
  • Avoid consequences that are too extreme – either too harsh or too easy.
  • Provide lots of positive feedback when they does something well.
  • Observe the child’s negative behaviour as a symptom of a disorder you are both working to solve together.
  • Encourage an adolescent to behave appropriately when angry by engaging in physical outlets suggested in the ODD section.
  • Encourage social opportunities for them to express feelings and keep them involved in sports activities.
  • Try to develop a mentoring relationship between the athlete and another caring adult.
  • Suggest a support group for parents of children with conduct disorder.

Expand the Reach is a web based resource for coaches, athletes of all levels, parents and community organizations to support Mental Wellness, and early intervention for better performance in sport & life. 

Contact us for more information